
TikiWiki Install Problems on CentOS using cPanel and WHM

The enclosure, tikiwiki-install-msgs.txt, shows the messages I got in cPanel when I used Fantastico to install TikiWiki to my server at tiki.earthside.org ().

Initially, there was a configuration problem with the earthsid user account - the user name for the earthside.org domain account on the server - in that the user account did not have permission to create the MySQL database that TikiWiki uses.

Used the root account to give earthsid permissions on MySQL (and phpMyAdmin), but still getting the error:

Table 'earthsid_tiwi1.users_users' doesn't exist

I have removed and re-installed the TikiWiki package several times, including [most recently] after adding permissions to the user account. My reasoning was that, if the user did not have sufficient privileges on the database system, then the database tables could never be created at install time, assuming the installer is run by the [unprivileged] user.

Note also that the Fantastico control panel warns when attempts are made to install Fantastico packages on a user account while logged in as root. Therefore, I did not attempt to install TikiWiki as root...

In any case, I used phpMyAdmin to examine the database earthsid_tiwi1 (it did/does exist, and is shown in the phpMyAdmin interface for root), and there is no table called users_users, just as the message says...

Now, the problem is: I have not found a way to get to the TikiWiki login screen (as shown in the TikiWiki Documentation FOO) in order to log in and change the admin password.