
VNC for ChromeOS

https://bitbucket.org/saljam/vnc &nash; Overview
This is a VNC viewer Chrome app. It uses Chrome's sockets API to talk to the VNC server directly.
The RFB rendering is based on NoVNC[0]. The icon is based on "Computer" from the Noun Project[1].
[0] http://kanaka.github.com/noVNC/
[1] http://thenounproject.com/noun/computer/#icon-No115
Note the use of markdown style links in the page content shown above.

Make sure:
  1. vncserver is installed on the Debian machine
  2. user account on the remote host is configured to allow ssh public key login
  3. vnc client app is installed on local host
  4. ssh private key (key pair) is installed on local host
  • Using VNC Viewer for Chrome OS to connect to a Debian server running Xvnc4 server.