
Using FUSE to store RaspiVid video files remotely

 In working with the Raspberry Camera Module and the supplied RaspiCam utilities, it became desirable to store capture video data files somewhere besides the local filesystem of the Raspberry Pi devices.  The solution most immediately presenting itself was to utilize the sshfs utility to create a FUSE mount of a user-accessible directory on a centralized mass-storage server.

  1.  sshfs installed on Raspberry Pi
  2.  server is running ssh
  3.  pi has server account
  4.  pi has generated ssh ID
  5.  pi has ID loaded in active ssh-key-agent
  6. server pi acct has pi ID in authorized keys list
Server user account is:  pi
Server directory to mount:  /home/pi/Videos
Local directory to mount on:  ./Videos
   sshfs pi@server.nym:/home/pi/Videos ./Videos

With the mount in place, we can ...
cd Videos
raspivid -o ./raspivideo.h264 -n -k
to store a segment of video to the remote server's file system.