
Zim Desktop Wiki on WinXP (pt 2)

So. Picking up in the instructions, under "Other dependencies" with

Note that we're downloading all these into the same directory we used for all the other stuff downloaded earlier (see pt 1).

I find that the ppm install Module-Build command operates on the tarball in the directory where the command is issued. On the next one, we'll try installing it through the ActiveState Perl Module Installer widget.

Ooops. Got this:

item "nearest 154 36" doesn't exist at C:/Perl/lib/ActivePerl/PPM/GUI.pm line 208.

item "nearest 154 36" doesn't exist
    while executing
".p.p.tree selection add {nearest 154 36}"
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel 1 $command $args"
    invoked from within
".p.p selection add {nearest 154 36}"
    invoked from within
"::perl::CODE(0x27d7688) 154 36 267 266"
    (command bound to event)

while the package list in the graphical widget was refreshing. Going back to the command shell... which doesn't work on the second module, either. Maybe this is not a bug in the graphical widget, but a data file problem which caused it to crash...

Directory of C:\Documents and Settings\Sony\My Documents\Downloads\gtk2-perl

09/21/09  10:05    <DIR>          .
09/21/09  10:05    <DIR>          ..
09/18/09  10:14        16,030,800 ActivePerl-
09/18/09  10:15           171,959 Cairo-1.021.zip
09/18/09  11:30             7,678 ExtUtils-Depends-0.205.tar.gz
09/18/09  10:14             8,155 ExtUtils-Depends-0.205.zip
09/18/09  11:30               351 ExtUtils-Depends.ppd
09/18/09  11:30             4,746 ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.07.tar.gz
09/18/09  10:15             5,232 ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.07.zip
09/18/09  11:30               355 ExtUtils-PkgConfig.ppd
09/21/09  10:00            13,784 File-DesktopEntry-0.04.tar.gz
09/21/09  10:05            29,269 File-MimeInfo-0.15.tar.gz
09/18/09  10:14         1,613,333 glade-2.12.1.zip
09/18/09  10:14           518,907 glade-3-0-2-win32-1.zip
09/18/09  10:15           306,240 Glib-1.142.zip
09/18/09  10:13         5,597,907 gtk-2.8.20-win32-1.exe
09/18/09  10:41           192,692 gtk-demo.zip
09/18/09  10:15         1,676,227 Gtk2-1.141.zip
09/18/09  10:15            53,946 Gtk2-GladeXML-1.006.zip
09/21/09  09:53           196,525 Module-Build-0.2808.tar.gz
09/18/09  10:41           181,280 msvcr71.zip
              19 File(s)     26,609,386 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  47,385,841,664 bytes free

C:\Documents and Settings\Sony\My Documents\Downloads\gtk2-perl>ppm install File
ppm install failed: Can't find any package that provide File-DesktopEntry-0.04

C:\Documents and Settings\Sony\My Documents\Downloads\gtk2-perl>ppm install File
ppm install failed: Can't find any package that provide File-DesktopEntry-0.04.t

C:\Documents and Settings\Sony\My Documents\Downloads\gtk2-perl>