
Pen Drive KNOPPIX Roll-back

SanDisk Cruzer USB pendrive
 Partition 1:  750M FAT16
 Partition 2:  3.25G ext3

 Host Computer: dslbox DSL

 Instructions for persistent USB pendrive KNOPPIX 5.1.1 install

The pendrive is already formatted according to the procedure given in
 Ref1 [NOTE: the KNOPPIX currently installed on 
the pendrive partition one is KNOPPIX v6.0.1]

The KNOPPIX 5.1.1 CD ISO image is stored on the pendrive's partition 2 
(the linux partition) as an ISO (*.iso) file.

In order to copy the files from the ISO image stored on partition 2 to the
 file system on partition 1 of the USB pendrive, we will mount the ISO image
 using the loopback device.

Once we have mounted both the pendrive partitions under the DSL host filesystem, 
we can pick up the procedure in Ref1 at step 15
(NOTE: substitute device and directory names as follows:

 /dev/sdx1 - pendrive partition 1
 /dev/sdx2 - pendrive partition 2

 /tmp/usb   - mount point for /dev/sdx1
 /tmp/sdx2  - mount point for /dev/sdx2

 /tmp/sdx2/knoppix-v5.1.1-cd.iso - CD ISO file
 /tmp/cdrom - mount point for CD ISO file

The command to mount the CD ISO file as a file system is

 mount file.iso /cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop

(from <http://thomer.com/howtos/mount_loopback.html>)

... so in this case the command will be ...

  mount /tmp/sdx2/knoppix-v5.1.1-cd.iso /tmp/cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop

This will cause the file system stored in the ISO file to be mounted at
/tmp/cdrom in such a way that the files and directories look like a standard
linux file system from the Bash prompt under DSL. 

Copy the KNOPPIX 5.1.1 system from the ISO image to partition 1 of the 
USB pendrive as per the instructions in Ref1.

# Type cd /tmp/cdrom
# Type cp -rf KNOPPIX boot/isolinux/* /tmp/usb
# Type cd /tmp/usb
# Type mv isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg
# Type cd
# Type umount /tmp/usb
# Type syslinux -sf /dev/sdx1

# Reboot your computer and set your system BIOS or Boot Menu to boot
 from the USB device. Save your changes and restart your PC, booting
 from the USB device.