
MSN Proprietary Wink Protocol?

Has anyone put a protocol sniffer on the MSN protocol lately? I'd like to have the protocol definition for the proprietary winks [shown in photo as rendered in Pidgin IM client v2.0.2 ] - or maybe they're filtering on the server? Can I spoof the IM client ID to the MSN server?

Zoom the screenshot to read the text ad sent by MSN servers to my IM client when the person I was chatting with sent a [apparently proprietary to MSN] "wink"

Note that Pidgin IM client is the former Gaim IM client for windows, AND that Pidgin's domain is the first instance I've seen of a working .im TLD [it is pidgin.im]

[And: props to my new sweetheart for sending that wink which highlighted this issue for me - apparently no one else talks [types] to me quite like that, kittykitty]