

Declassified Spy Satellite Images - from USGS; see also the EROS Data Center and NASA's Ocean Surface Topology from Space.

The Mystery of the Forgotten U.S. Flag from

Radiation Shield Technologies (RST) - Creators of Demron™, a radiation shield fabric

TVCam on Shuttle - NASA's video from space; the shuttle mission launched 07 October 2002 carried cameras that fed live streaming video from the shuttle. Video from that mission is archived. You might also like to try NASA Television.

Poking at Echelon from Tasty Bits from the Technology Front - good stuff; links; need to mirror this

APB G-Files - "To Inform and Serve" – articles about information released from US Federal Govt files under the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA)

UFOINFO: The Home of UFO Roundup — "The study of the UFO phenomena is NOT a substitute for religious belief, if you need emotional or spiritual fulfilment you will not find it here." — home of UFO + PSI Magazine [UK]

Aviation Art from great images, descriptions, and signed/numbered prints are for sale

Time Travel - when do you want to go today?



Overcoming Consumerism

Jon Rappoport’s Corner from The Wiretap Electronic Text Archive.

cluetrain manifesto - "People of earth…"

The Elkhorn Document - "Documented Evidence of a Secret Business and Political Alliance Between the U.S. 'Establishment' and the Nazis - Before, During and After World War II - up to the Present."

Acme Klien Bottles - 4-dimensional coffe cups!

Crank Dot Net is devoted to presenting Web sites by and about cranks, crankism, crankishness, and crankosity. All cranks, all the time

Looking for a new world? Try the Techniques for Planet Detection and the Terrestial Planet Finder from NASA and JPL.

Urban Legends Reference Page and the Net Hoax Generator


Index of /Gopher/Library/Fringe/Ufo -- this is the old (now only archive at it's new home on — finally, actual information on the net (note the lack of banner ads)...

The CIA's Role in the Study of UFO's, 1947-90 from the Rutgers UFO Site.


Reptilian Aliens — supports the point that the reptoids are in fact the native life form of planet Earth...

David Icke's Website

EBE Online – Extraterrestrial Biological Entity pages

the enterprise mission - free richie hoagland!

UFO Online Links - the site that poses once again troubling question "Are web graphics really worth it?" Claims to have the largest collection of UFO sites.

ufo phenonena in the nwt - lights in the sky over the canadian northwest territories

exoScience - space news and information

Leading Edge International Reesearch Group - this site is still quite heavy and may crash your browser lately [15 May 2000]. The map of underground bases is MOVED or GONE! [2002-10-16]

The Communion Homepage -Whitley Strieber's place

Area 51 page from Ufomind