
Contact for GPU / Pi Internals

 Some contact points listed here: https://github.com/hermanhermitage/videocoreiv
"Active discussions take place on IRC (freenode) on #raspberrypi-internals, #raspberrypi-osdev, #raspberrypi-dev, and #raspberrypi.
There is a raspberrypi-internals mailing list, you can subscribe at mailing list page at freelists.org."

< source: http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=6188&start=100 >

The rPi GPU Firmware code repository has the VideoCore IV library code.  Note that this code is compiled as a binary for the dual-core BroadCom GPU 

The BROADCOM BCM2835: High Definition 1080p Embedded Multimedia Applications Processor GPU (used in the Raspberry Pi)

Breakdown of the device

VideoCore IV BCM2835 Overviewblock diagrams & functional descriptions

OpenVX: The New Khronos API

OpenVX The New Khronos API for Computer Vision and AR

*** iz "AR" meenz "Augmented Reality" iz mebbe shud bee sum kynde uv FAQ & stuffz.  Srsly.

iz sum stuff & stuffz iz vrrr large sum text & stuffz alzo ! wtF? 

rPi fRame bUffer

 Inject a sprite into the video frame buffer at a target location matching a "hotspot" on the sprite image -- similar to the way a cursor icon has a hotspot relative to the image coordinates within a graphical user interface (GUI).

In the case of the sprite, the "hotspot" coordinates are also the drawing origin of the sprite image.

Note that the primary difference between the "icon" or "cursor" or "sprite" bitmapped image type and the more customary "web graphic" types is that the icon/cursor/sprite images are mapped onto arbitrary backgrounds using transparency and simple bit-wise logic operations.

These pixmap graphics also often rely on reduced color-counts relative to the colorspace available under e.g. current X-Windows desktops...

Sonic Pi & Stuffz

 Sonic Pi

Sonic Pi should be combined with the OTTO Camera to provide full DVI or HDMI or whatever hi-res video acquisition with stereo audio...

OTTO is a camera...


More OpenCV + RaspiCam

 toThinkOrNotToThink - RASPBERRY PI + SIMPLECV + OPENCV + RASPICAM CSI CAMERA  -- this project leverages the GPU and the rPi Camera (not USB) to offload graphics processing from the main processor, freeing up CPU for image analysis and computer vision tasks.   Note that the comments section contains useful information for debugging the steps in the article using updated software versions, etc.

Instructions on how to install / upgrade v4l on the Pi  How to install or upgrade UV4L on Raspbian (for the Raspberry Pi)  This item is a requirement for the project listed above.

Simplecv + Camera board guide - a simple howto for installing simplecv ******

GPU Module Introduction from OpenCV.org



Open Source Computer Vision Library (OpenCV) for use in robotic applications and to streamline its use in the ROS software platform

Video Tracking

 Video tracking is the process of locating a moving object (or multiple objects) over time using a camera


The RPiCluster - YouTube

The RPiCluster (on YouTube)

Published 17 May 2013
Documentation, Source code, and EagleCAD designs:https://bitbucket.org/jkiepert/rpicluster

The RPiCluster is a 33 node Beowulf cluster built using Raspberry Pis (RPis) [...] Each of the 33 RPi is overclocked to 1GHz and is running Arch Linux. This demo shows the RPiCluster running a parallel program [..] to control all of the RGB LEDs installed on each of the nodes.

Author says:

Update: While the BeagleBone Black was not available when I started this project, I would have chosen it rather than the Raspberry Pi had it been available. It is the same cost once you include an SD card, but it has onboard 2GB of flash storage for the operating system. It also uses a Cortex-A8 ARM processor running at 1GHz.

More information: http://coen.boisestate.edu/ece/raspberry-pi/

#rpi #cluster #srsly

Use find command to convert markdown files to html | linuxine.com

Use find command to convert markdown files to html | linuxine.com:

Shud mebbe tagz thiz wun heer wit mebbe #linux #markdown & stuffz shud mebbe soartz thiz heer stuffz intew mebbe sum liztingz & stufffz sum blogur mebbe?

Categorized List of HOWTOs

Categorized List of HOWTOs:

Em blogz thiz heer mebbe  'viasum Blog this' stuffz & stuffz, meh.

Iz mebbe wud mek a guud buukmark thiz heer.  Iz alzo needz sum uv sum mebbe hazhmarx# tagz aor mebbe @ tagging sum uv sum Bloggur thiz heer iz shud bee undur sum Bloggur Sexshun uv thiz heer Blog & stuffz, sum stuffz.

Golden ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Golden ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The golden ratio is explored in Luca Pacioli's book De divina proportione of 1509."

Okey yew authurz uv sum wikipediuh artikullz &* stffz yew, iz thiz heer:!

"The golden ratio is explored in Luca Pacioli's book De divina proportione of 1509." iz juzt mebbe knott quite rite, yew.  Iz luuk heer & stuffz:  COMMAZ SAYVZ MEBBE SUM UV SUM LYVEZ & STUFFZ YEW.  Iz shud be, mebbe:  "... book Sumtyetull (sum_date wud be e.g. 1509 & stuffz in mebbe sum pairzuvtheocraseizurez & stuffz. Srsly.)  iz mebbe standurd English & stuffz yew wuz lurnd mebbe in grayd foar & stuffz mebbe! Srsly.

Convert Linux man pages to PDF files | Linux Blog

Should provide this on the manpage server...

Convert Linux man pages to PDF files | Linux Blog:

'via Blog this'

Cascading Style Sheets CSS: Formatting Lists

A handy guide to using the list-style-type attribute to control list item bullets and numbering  styling:

Cascading Style Sheets CSS: Formatting Lists: "list-style-type"

'via Blog this'
Create a version of RaspiVid where the frame rate of the camera can be controlled via IPC signalling to a running raspivid process.

  1. Determine which of the USR signals sent by e.g. kill(1) are available for customization of this sort
  2. Define signal handlers for raspivid that set the input framerate NOTE: it is preferred that the video stream not have to be reset when the frame rate is set while raspivid is running
  3. Sequence:
  4. capture frame
    1. run initial frame analysis on first frame
    2. save results
    3. increment frame rate
    4. loop

Haz Sum New Paygez thiz heer Blog

 Iz mebbe sum payjuz duz knott shewz up in sum uv sum templaytud laying aoutz & stuffz, sum payjuz.  Iz mebbe shud fixuz thiz heer pdq sum bloggurz & stuffz.  SRsly!

Raspberry Pi-style Glass Project uses NTSC/PAL Video Glasses

Ran across this heer project: Google Glass Pi-Style & alzo em mebbe looking for more about this — the site for the glasses used is: AdaFruit — product page is NTSC/PAL (Television) Video Glasses ID: 1452 - $109.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits

'via Blog this'

srsly?  still wurx thiz heer? wtF?

Adafruit Product Page #1452 - video glasses