Well yeah - it has to be done some times. Despite the warm comfort of having all those remote file systems securely mounted on your thin-client FTL notebook (you know, the one with the incredibly fast multicore CPUs, incredibly high resolution audio-visuals, integrated video phone, WiFi, and goddess-only-knows what else - the one you use to multitask working with surfing pr0n on the intarweb? That one.
What has to be done? Why, the umounting of securely mounted remote file systems, of course!
Therein lies the problem. Please allow me a simple demostration:
Do you
know how to un-mount a remote file system which was mounted using the [admiriably direct, logical, and to-the-point, I must add] instructions found in the well-written and informative Unix Manual page, which was right about where I expected to find it when I typed
man sshfs
at my local, user-friendly Bash prompt?
If not, do you code know
anyone who knows how to do that?
I will tell you right now, I do not. I had to figure this out myself, without even being able to tell anyone what I was doing, since there is no one else here, and no one interested in talking about it with me over the many and various digital telecommunications channels which have been put at my disposal for the [potential] reading of such many and various messages, should they even magically spring into existence.
So. Having typed enough words that this post can reasonably and plausibly be used as a passphrase to unlock some public key, or perhaps to trigger false positives on some poor kid's search for pregnancy test results, I will present the long-fought-for, hard-won solutions which we here at ${NameOfCompany} have chosen to adopt, both premises-wide, and inter-premises:
fusermount -u /path/to/mountpoint
And I am sorry to have to add that this information is from illicit sources. I cannot tell you where it came from. Although, it is publicly available on the internet at
http://www.sonoracomm.com/support/18-support/59-sshfs?format=pdf, the information remains hidden because of the arcane and secretive formatting of the storage object. PDF!? This is the 21st Century, isn't it?