
This is not HTML anymore.

    The ACTION goes with the FORM.

    The METHOD goes with the FORM.

    The FORM contains INPUT elements [and optionally other HTML],

    The INPUT elements contained by the FORM may have one of several [defined]
    TYPE values.

    The INPUT element of TYPE "submit" triggers the FORM ACTION using the
    METHOD defined for the ACTION.



The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) defines the HTML Document Object Module (DOM) as a standard. The DOM is used as a standardized way to programmatically access the content of HTML [and XML – we're only concerned with the HTML, here] documents.

Languages commonly used to access and modify the content of a DOM document instance [an instance of a DOM-conformant document] are Java and Javascript.

In this case, we are interested in accessing and modifying the content (data and meta-data) of an HTML document using Javascript to manipulate HTML elements using DOM-defined methods.

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